District Information


ISBE Report Cards: District | School

Illinois Report Card: At-a-Glance Report

Vision Statement

Rockdale School District 84 is passionate about preparing its learners to be citizens who will make a positive impact on their community.

Mission Statement

As Rockdale Rams, we cultivate the individual academic growth of our learners while facilitating and encouraging their social-emotional growth. Rockdale School District 84 promotes a diverse educational environment focused on learning while involving its community and maximizing their positive influence.

School Mascot - Colors


Rams - Blue and Gold

Social Media

On Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/RockdaleFB
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/RockdalePride

Address and Contact Information:


715 Meadow Ave
Rockdale, IL 60436
Phone: 815-725-5321

Fax: 815-725-3099

District Superintendent
Dr. Michael Merritt

School Principal
Elizabeth Darlin

General Information

Daily Schedule

The District Office and the Elementary School are in the same building.

The school day is from 8:50am-3:30pm. Students should not arrive at school before 8:20am unless they are attending approved school activities. Students should arrive at school between 8:20am and 8:40am. Those receiving breakfast should arrive at 8:20am to allow adequate time to eat. All students should use the front door entrance on Meadow Ave.

All classes will end at 3:30pm, with students then gathering their belongings and dismissing. Thus, students will depart school at 3:35pm unless asked to remain after school to complete school work with a teacher or take part in an activity supervised by a staff member. Students should go directly home after school. Parents should make arrangements with their children before the school day of any changes in this procedure.

School Office Hours
8:00 am - 3:45 pm

Summer Hours
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Monday - Thursday


All visitors, including parents and siblings, are required to enter through the front (Meadow Ave.) door of the building and proceed immediately to the main office. Visitors should identify themselves and inform office personnel of their reason for being at school.

Visitors must sign in, identifying their name, the date and time of arrival, and the classroom or location they are visiting. Approved visitors must take a tag identifying themselves as a guest and place the tag to their outer clothing in a clearly visible location. Visitors are required to proceed immediately to their location in a quiet manner. All visitors must return to the main office and sign out before leaving the school.

Visitors are expected to abide by all school rules during their time on school property. A visitor who fails to conduct himself or herself in a manner that is appropriate will be asked to leave and may be subject to criminal penalties for trespass and/or disruptive behavior.

Parents wishing to visit the school for consultation with the teacher must schedule an appointment through the office. Students visiting must clear their visits through the Superintendent or Principal at least one day in advance.

Guidance & Counseling

The school provides social work services for students. The school’s social worker is available to those students who require assistance.

General Building Conduct

Rockdale School utilizes a Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) model for discipline. Students are expected to follow the universal rules of respecting everyone, respecting the environment, and respecting learning.

Rules Grades K-8:

  1. Respect authorities

  2. Use appropriate language and behavior at school

  3. Respect peers

  4. Keep hands, feet and objects to self

  5. Respect property of school and others

  6. Follow Parent/Student Handbook rules

  7. Maintain appropriate behavior for the learning environment

Expectations for Athletic Events and School Activities

The school administration wants all students to enjoy attending athletic events and school activities held at Rockdale School, as well as athletic events when Rockdale participates at other schools. We expect students to behave in a proper manner at all athletic events. Remember, whether you are on an athletic team or a spectator, you are representing our school.
Students who do not abide by the athletic rules may be asked to leave the event and may receive other consequences according to the disciplinary policy.

  • Any student grades K-4 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, grandparents or older brother or sister. The older brother or sister cannot be a participant in the event.

  • Any student who leaves the building during a game will not be allowed to return.

  • While a game is played, students are allowed to go to their seats while the clock is stopped.

  • Congregating or loitering in the halls is not permitted, except between games and at half-time.

  • No pop or food (candy, pizza, gum, etc.) will be allowed out of the cafeteria area.

  • Any student who behaves in an improper manner may not be allowed to attend any future athletic events.

  • Students who continually go in and out of the gym will be told to leave the building.

  • Booing or unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated. If you wish to cheer for our team, do it in a sportsmanlike manner (no foot-stomping on the bleachers, booing, etc.).

  • Our school prohibits the wearing of hats by students in the building at any time.

  • No “shooting around: of basketballs before, between, or after games will be permitted by anyone not playing in the event.

  • Athletic team members must be supervised by a coach at all times.

  • Any Rockdale student ejected from an activity for gross misbehavior will be suspended from all activities for the remainder of the semester.

  • For all away game in which boys and girls teams are traveling together, the teams must sit separate on the buses.

Sex Offender & Violent Offender Community Notification Laws

State law requires that all school districts provide parents/guardians with information about sex offenders and violent offenders against youth.